Burnout is the accumulation of chronic stress. Many people experience this because of their work or professions, while others experience it due to parenting, caregiving, or other high stress responsibilities. 

If you are in a helping profession or a job with lots of never-ending demands, you are at risk for burnout.

Do you feel like your stress is never-ending?
Burnout robs you of your purpose and joy!

This self-led course is for you if:

  • You feel like you're feeling more exhausted at work;
  • Feelings of diminished purpose;
  • Growing resentment at work, colleagues, or your workload;
  • Having difficulty getting back to the passion you once possessed in your career;
  • Need to prioritize your wellness; 
  • Realize you need a better work-life balance.

This self-led course is NOT for you if:

  • You are having a mental health crisis.
  • Require an individualized approach by a medical provider.
  • Would be better served in therapy or a psychiatrist.
Once you can push through the challenging first steps of identifying where you are in your burnout and learning how stress manifests in your body, then you can make a plan for recovery.
You will also work toward identifying where you need to establish boundaries, how to regulate your body while implementing them, and even some phrases you can use. 

Phrases will be quoted from Sofia's "Women and Boundaries Coloring Book and Journal". 

What you get in this course: 
  1. Self-Paced Online Course with 6 Critical Burnout Modules
  2. E-Workbook for you to print our or complete on the computer
  3. Self Care Habit Trackers, Journal and Notes Pages
  4. Guided Audio Meditations tailored to the specific contents of the course
  5. Bonus: 30 and 300 times Activity Trackers (Studies show that it take 30 times of doing something to build a habit; 300 times to build muscle memory and 3,000 to be really great at it)
  6. Access to any future updates and bonuses I add to the course. (This is just the beginning)
Sofia Mendoza, LCSW

Sofia specializes in burnout and work stress problems. She has seen first hand how toxic stress impacts the human body and spirit. She has devised this course to help folks learn about stress and burnout, while also creating healthy and meaningful plans for recovery. 

This course is very meaningful for Sofia as she too has been on the high and low end of the burnout spectrum. She's experienced it and learned how to identify the warning signs and everyday work toward recovery. 

For many of us, Burnout is an occupational hazard that we must be mindful of and guard against. 

The tools, tips, and information presented will help you thinking about what needs changing in your life so you can continue to do the work that is so meaningful to you, once you're restored.

The 6 Critical Lessons About Burnout Recovery

Lesson One: What is Burnout and what is most important to you?
This lesson details what burnout is and working toward identifying your core values for living a meaningful life.

Lesson Two: The Stress Cycle
Sofia dives deep into what the Stress Cycle is and its impact on our body. You will formulate a stress busting plan for yourself in this lesson.

Lesson Three: Self-Compassion
Learn how to talk to hold yourself with compassion you are worthy of.

Lesson Four: Boundaries

Learn essential limit setting and self-advocacy skills.

Lesson Five: Limiting Beliefs
In this lesson, you'll learn how some limiting beliefs have robbed you from living the life you want to live, and how to work toward changing those beliefs.

Lesson Six: Acceptance & Wellness

Lifestyle changes happen when we accept that there's a problem. In this lesson, you will learn about what acceptance entails, especially as it pertains to your new wellness journey.

Invest in your Recovery and Wellness

Purchase the course, e-book, and various worksheets for $99.

  • Self-Paced Course with 6 modules
  • Loads of bonuses, examples, extras and resources about Burnout Recovery (PDFs, and more)
  • Audio meditations
  • A beautifully designed e-book 
  • BONUS: 30 and 300 times Activity Trackers (Studies show that it take 30 times of doing something to build a habit; 300 times to build muscle memory and 3,000 to be really great at it)

Buy Now (Instant Access)

A $1300 value!
Welcome to your recovery!